Triveni Electric a leader in Lift and Elevator Inverter market with more than 600 installations and systems under maintenance all over western Maharashtra has proved its worth and strives to provide even better service in upcoming future. Triveni Electric Lift inverter is an OFF LINE UPS which has 3 main parts namely – Charger, Inverter and Batteries. As majority of Elevators use three phase power supply, the UPS also is a three-phase input and three-phase output type. It means, the Lift inverter takes a three-phase supply and feeds it to Elevator simultaneously charging the batteries.
In case of a power cut, the inverter turns on battery mode and generates a three-phase output to feed the load. This transition takes place within a time period of 15-20 seconds depending upon the configuration of the variable frequency drive (VFD / V3F) used by the elevator.
Triveni Electric has recently developed a system such that the near zero transfer from utility to battery mode is possible for any type of VF drive) When the mains supply or utility gets restored, the elevator is transferred automatically to mains supply and battery charging starts. Depending upon the size and number of batteries, the backup time can be extended from 2-3 Hours up to 8 Hours too.